courtesy of People Style Watch Magazine and Dr. Jennifer Baumgater
1. How often go you shop?
a. Every chance I get
b. Whenever there's a sale
c. Only when I truly need something
d. When I am bored or just feel like looking around
2. Where do you most like to go?
a. A megamall (the more options the better!)-and online too
b. A discount store like T.J. Maxx or a site like Gilt
c. I have two or three go-to spots
d. Department stores, boutiques-whatever's around
3. What's your favorite thing about shopping?
a. Everything! The fun of trying things on and finding a treasure
b. Scoring a great deal on something
c. Getting the exact thing I need, when I need it
d. Seeing cute stuff I didn't even know was out there
4. If you set out to by a new pair of shoes, when you come home you have................
a. The shoes-plus the top, pants, belt and bag to go with them
b. Three pairs of shoes-but they were 50% off each
c. The one pair of shoes I originally wanted
d. I saw three pairs I liked. I'll probably buy one next time
5. When you enter a store, the first thing you do is..............
a. Check out what's changed since I stopped in last week
b. Make a beeline for the sales rack
c. Head straight to the item I'm there to buy
d. See what catches my eye
6. When you buy something new, you think...............
a. That was fun. What can I buy next time?
b. I saved 30% off everything-way to beat the system
c. That's done-now I can do what I really want
d. I took the plunge! I'm glad I looked around so much first
7. What's your most common shopping regret?
a. I have too much stuff, and I can't wear it all
b. If I had waited one more week, I could have gotten an even better deal
c. I have no regrets
d. I didn't buy that stylish piece
8. Your friends love shopping with you because............
a. You know everything about the latest styles and trends
b. You know where to find the best fashion for less
c. You don't spend hours in the dressing room
d. You're up for stopping in any stores they want to check out
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY A're a shopaholic
The mind-set:"It's about the thrill of the hunt" say Dr. Baumgater. "Being able to acquire the latest trend or the newest bag is about the feeling of want and then the release of having".
It's good because: "Shopping can be a fun, creative process-no different from any other hobby. You can really build the 'skill' of creating a wardrobe," she says. "Also, we all engage in self-sacrifice. This is a way in which you can put yourself first."
It's bad if: "Shopping isn't necessarily a problem. But if you have something painful going on , it may help you avoid dealing with the actual issue," she says. "It can take on an addictive quality too. If you're hiding behaviors from your family or getting into financial trouble, it goes to far."
Her advice: "Try too figure out what triggers your shopping," she says. "Is it a fight with a boyfriend, a bad day or are you just bored? Then deal with those triggers in other ways."
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY B're a bargain shopper
The mind-set: "It's about working the system," she says. "When we shop, we don't control prices. But with bargain shopping, it feels like you got away with something. Even though you're spending money, you feel like you don't."
It's good because: "Well, you're saving money! You also have a sense of what things are actually worth-being a bargain shopper can bring you back to a baseline about what a normal price is," she says. "And you value your own research. You work hard for your money and don't want to throw it away. The end result is, you're valuing yourself."
It's bad if: "Sometimes a sale item isn't such a bargain. Do you really need it? Also, can you really afford it?" she says. "Is the piece a quality piece? Some things are expensive-but they'll last forever. Some things fall apart after you've worn them twice."
Her advice: "There's nothing wrong with a bargain. But if it becomes more of a want than a need, you can end up spending a lot of money. Look at your shopping frequency and what you're spending overall. If you notice that a lot of your bargains still have tags on, that may be a sign."
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY C're a need-based shopper
The mind-set: "It's about practicality. Not everyone loves shopping, and there's nothing wrong with that. People find enjoyment in different things."
It's good because: "You're probably saving a fortune! You're also taking yourself out of our consumerist culture. You feel free to be who you are."
It's bad if: "You may emergency-shop. If you have a party tomorrow and don't have a dress, shopping will take longer," she says. "Also, ask yourself: Do you avoid it because you don't care or is there something else to it-like, you don't like your body?"
Her advice: "You don't have to like shopping. But if it's avoidance, look at other things going on. Is it a body issue, a budget issue or is it that you have no clue what to do? Try to address the real reasons."
IF YOU ANSWERED MOSTLY D're a wandering shopper
The mind-set: "It can be one of two categories. There's a wanderer who looks at shopping like going to an art exhibit. She likes to appreciate it," she says. "But there's also a wanderer who can't commit t buying. She doesn't know what she needs."
It's good because: "This shopper is often well-informed. You know what's out there, and when you actually buy you don't return. You may have a pretty good handle on what works for you."
It's bad because: "If you're the clueless type, you may not buy much or have fun with fashion. It's about fear."
Her advice: "If you don't know your look, try to identify it. See what you like in magazines and on stylish people, and you'll notice and pattern. Also, realize that it's okay to make a mistake. Dressing is a form of personal expression. We're all different."
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